Greater Love...
Love is not a feeling for us, it is a command. We are to Love our neighbors not merely to our level of comfort. Christ is our model and He saw Love as a willingness to die in order to save people many of whom were cursing and mocking Him. Love is active and it is a virtue. It is a sacrifice. We in America have been blessed by men and women who, while many are yet to know are Lord, they have felt His call to love the neighbor. Our military, law enforcement personal and fire fighters daily live out this virtue of love often at Great cost to themselves and their loved ones. While serving as a Navy Chaplain for nearly a decade, I was honored to help these communities. Now, as a pastor here in Petoskey, I am able to partner with other believers here at True North Community Church with the same desire to serve these communities. “Greater Love...Ministries" at True North Community Church seeks to find ways to support, honor and encourage these communities that live by our Lord's virtue of sacrifice. |