The first step is to recognize you NEED a Savior to save you from your sin. The reality is, none of us have lived a perfect, sinless life. We have been cursed by our own actions. Being good does not mean we do more good things than bad things. Goodness is a measure of purity. Once we are impure, we lack within us, the ability to cleanse ourselves.
Please pardon the use of the following analogy: It is a bit crude, but it makes the argument clear. If someone urinated in your water bottle, how much clean water would you add before you would drink it? When would it be pure enough?
"All have sinned and fallen short of the glory of God." Romans 3:23
"The wages of sin is death, but the gift of God is eternal life." Romans 6:23
BELIEVE- Believe that Christ died for you and was raised from the dead
How can evil exist in a world with an all-powerful and good God? The answer is, every evil deed must be punished. It is because the all-powerful, all-good God is also merciful that He allows evil doers a chance to turn back and seek forgiveness.
Our need to be purified, therefore, requires the punishment of our evil deeds. The wages for our sin was/is a death sentence. But, there is Good News!
God knows we do not have the means to save ourselves. It is His greatest gift that He sent Jesus to pay for our sin. His mercy is even more awesome than this! You see, the version of us that Jesus willingly died for was not us at our best, but us at our worst. What incredible justice, love and mercy Jesus showed all of us sinners when He forgave our sins on the Cross, even as we cursed, mocked and crucified Him! He died for us while we hated Him.
"For God so loved the world, that He gave His only begotten Son, that whosoever believes in Him will not perish, but have everlasting life." John 3:16
"God demonstrated His love for us in that while we were yet sinners, Christ died for us." Romans 5:8
CONFESS- Confess with Your Mouth that Jesus is Your Lord (The Boss)
Ultimately, it comes down to this 'changing of leadership' in our lives. From birth, we seek to be the masters of our lives and then masters of our surroundings. Eventually, we begin to believe we are the gods of our own universe. Perhaps we don't use those words, but it is how we choose to live our lives apart from God. We view things as good or bad based on our own opinions.
So, here is the hardest step. If Jesus is your Boss, your Lord and Master, then you can no longer be your own boss. That means those things He tells you to do, you will seek to do regardless of how you feel about them. Also, those things He tells you not to do... seek to stop doing those things. Simply put, you will now say, "Jesus, you are my Master. I will follow Your orders. I will obey You."